
Beyond The Noise Inside My Head

Yet there was one voice that changed everything. One word from the Lord was worth days of spinning and casting about for emotional, physical or spiritual breakthrough. His “still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12) brought a peace and freedom like no other.

– By Joe Fornear

There is a lot of “noise” about how to fight cancer. During my battle with Stage IV metastatic melanoma, there were thousands of voices advising me on sound waves - 10-11-13how to cope – and those were just the ones inside my head.

Yet there was one voice that changed everything. One word from the Lord was worth days of spinning and casting about for emotional, physical or spiritual breakthrough. His “still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12) brought a peace and freedom like no other.

It’s no wonder while describing the building of Solomon’s temple, there was one very curious restriction on the workers — no noise from tools was to be heard in the house of the Lord:

The house, while it was being built, was built of stone prepared at the quarry, and there was neither hammer nor axe nor any iron tool heard in the house while it was being built.
– 1 Kings 6:7

The context of this account shows Solomon was not against talent and hard work – there was plenty of skillful labor involved. The takeaway to me is to  develop the essential skill and work of hearing God. The temple was the place where people meet with God, and God meets with people. Above all, He is a living God; He must be “heard” to lift up His loved ones.

Prayer is a two-way conversation. Yet how do we discern which voice is His? I’m not suggesting we wait for God to speak audibly. Most often His voice is an inner reassurance; a strong sense of His presence; or a supernatural confidence that one way or another, things are going to be OK.

So whatever your trials, take a break from pounding the tools of analyzing and activity, and just sit with Him.

Lord, Your voice and truth sets us free – teach us to listen… and teach us how to listen.

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